Tuesday, March 10, 2009

As most of you know I'm in Montana now doing a year of Service with Americorps working with Big Brothers Big Sisters in Livingston, Montana. We are getting ready for our largest annual fundraiser Bowl For Kids' Sake, which is this Saturday. We get 15%+ of our annual revenue from this event. I've started a fundraising page and would love it if you would consider making a contribution. Help me raise more money than some of my co-workers!


also check out the new BBBS of Park County website I've been creating.

more running stories later.


ed said...

Are you living at "high" altitude there in Big Sky? I really love your pics, wish I had the time to travel.

If you get a wild hair, you can still fly down & get your money's worth at McNaughton!

Josh said...

Hey Ed!

Thanks for the donation!

I'm at about 4500 feet. If you ever do get time to travel out here there are some fine races you could work into your trip. I'm in no condition to give McNaughton a try this year, but I think I'll be back fojavascript:void(0)r it sooner or later. Hope everything's going great over there!