9 miles, Trails, 1:40 (total time, with breaks)
5.5 mile loop: 53:24
3.5 mile loop: 34:37
There was a big group for the training run this morning, 15-20 people. I ran the first loop faster then I should be running this close to Plain. I would like to run 5:20 for Step Stones in October. That would mean running the 5.5 mile loop in about 54 minutes. After today I don't think there is anyway I will be able to run that fast the whole race.
I picked up a lot of supplies for Plain, but I still have to study the map so I don't get crazy lost...
Happy 2023! And I'm Moving To Substack...
2 years ago
So do you think the Plain 100 will have a webcast? Nah, me neither. But I will think about you as Andrew and frolick around the Groundhog 50K and enjoy a cold beer afterwards and think of you..still running....
I think Plain will be broadcast live on ESPN. Have fun at Punxy, Try not to stare into Andrews eyes the whole time. You know how you fall on those difficult sections :)
That's right David Goggins will be there!!!! Can you get him to autograph something for me??
Fedex josh a bra overnight for Goggins to sign! That would be too good.
Mike (always ready with perversion)
I watched an interview with Goggins after he finished BW he seemed like a pretty serious and intimidating guy. I don't think I will have the courage to talk to him, lol. But if you get me that bra like Mike suggested I will do my best :)
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