Wednesday, June 18, 2008

5 miles, track, 6:55 pace, sinsiters, tempo
7:04, 6:58, 6:55, 6:56, 6:46

5 miles on the track tonight at tempo pace. My quads were very sluggish at the start. The first 1/2 mile was really slow which is why my first mile time was so slow. I felt better after that but the run was still a struggle. My goal was to run 5 mile below a 7 minute pace. I didn't think I'd be able to do it while running the first 3 miles but after that I was able to maintain the pace. this is still a bit slower than my pre injury speed but I'm getting there. My hip soreness was gone which was nice. I took the morning off to let it heal.

I'm looking forward to pacing Kimba this weekend at Mo!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh,

Looks like you're on an intense path! Blog looks great! I'm a trail runner, but haven't dropped into the ultra crowd yet... just a few trail marathons :-)

Maybe I'll see you out in the woods one day!

Live Awesome!